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Sunday, September 20, 2009

the dragonlord

so there was a city in the sky, just to the left of the dragonlord's domain.

the dragonlord was corrupt, and his kingdom was terrible.

the inhabitants of the city in the sky were ruled by the triad, and the triad knew their city was going to fall, and once it fell it would be swallowed up by the dragonlord's domain, and everyone would be miserable.

so they devised a plan to steal into the dragonlord's castle and take his three magic stones that granted one wish. see, the triad knew how to work the stones, and the dragonlord didn't even know what they did.

so the triad -- chase (from House), cameron (called cameron, but it was really foreman) and the fairy queen snuck into the dragonlord's keep to steal the jewels.

what they didn't know was that the dragonlord had given the jewels to me, his daughter.

bad choice.

the fairy queen told me i was the fourth triad, and it was my duty to get the jewels to the city in the sky. so, i mounted a flying narwhal and flew to the city. chase and the fairy queen and i made it back safely, but cameron was captured. the fairy queen wanted to go save him, but i told her no, because she was injured.

heroically, i flew down on a flying narwhal to save cameron.

unheroically, i failed epically and chase swooped down to save both cameron and me from the dragonlord's dungeons.

SO, with the four members of the triad safe, we used to jewels to create new land in the north, land that was free from the dragonlord's oppression.

the only way to get there was to sled through the trees.

i sledded through the trees, and only hit two on the way there.

"there" was a cold ski-lodge-esque place with a lot of bathrooms on the sides. it was a modest beginning to the new land in the north.

now, we four members of the triad wanted to apologize to the dragonlord for stealing his jewels, so we invited him down. he obliged, and came, but the moment he and his escort finished sledding down to us, their weapons disappeared. the dragonlord was understandably pissed, until i explained that all weapons in the north disappeared, and you didn't get them back until you left. i then went on to elaborate: if you intended to use something as a weapon, it also disappeared. to demonstrate, i grabbed a knife and made to stab the dragonlord with it.

the knife disappeared.

the dragonlord looked around at our skilodge-northern land and was like "this is it?"

i told him no, and led him outside, to the garage. entering the house through the garage (it doesn't make sense, i know!) i showed him that everyone who lived in the north had their own personal bedrooms, but since the bedrooms often got cold, everyone just stayed in the skilodge-bar.

so on our way back to the skilodge the dragonlord awkwardly brought up the subject of my kindomness. he said that technically, i was still a monk (what the people who lived in the dragonlord's domain were called) and if i wanted to fully become a northerner, he would let me.

i told him i was okay with being a monk.

his secretary then gave me a sword. it hadn't disappeared because it was blunt-edged, and was also one of the two magical swords that the anti-weaponness of the north didn't affect.

unfortunately, the second swoard was Excalibur, which an anti-dragonlord zealot stole from the archives and used, at that moment, to try to stab the dragonlord.

before he could, i stabbed him with the blunt pewter sword.

,.. he died.

i woke up.